Monday, August 12, 2019

Pursue Business at USC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pursue Business at USC - Essay Example My skills and past experiences best suit me for this course. Personally, I believe I have an analytical mind and I am an awesome strategist. This was witnessed during my summer internship at an international trading company, which dealt with trading detergents from France. At the company I keenly analyzed the customers buying trends and developed a strategy that would assist the company realizes more sales. I realized that offering gifts to our customers would motivate them to come again and buy more goods. However, I had also to study our customer base, and I discovered that most of our customers were female. Based on the above insights, I came up with Louis Vuitton bags since they are a status symbol that could attract more female customers. This strategy bore fruits as there was a substantial increase in the company’s sales even to other Asian countries such as Taiwan, China, and Japan. I came to learn that I am considerate, hardworking, self-motivated, determined, and ambi tious. This qualifies, skills and experiences will enable me to thrive well in your institution that is competitive and encompasses people of different cultures. This program fits my future professional goals because in future I want to venture into the field of business. Despite the misconception that some people have that business is about making money, personally my motivation of doing business is that I like the idea of doing the business itself; meeting and interacting with people and learning from them.

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